I digress. With this law being split pretty evenly and three undecided, i thought it was dumb for a gaming company who was against this new law whole heartedly to put out a commercial that is showing that you do a "have someone wanting to kill others and get enjoyment out of it" inside of each of us, because isn't that the whole problem people have with video games in the first place? they think anyone who plays video games will kill them in their sleep? I just kinda put my face in palm and was so sad for those who actually did this commercial...
And i have to add one thing to this. There is actually a Jeep wrangler that people can BUY that is Call of Duty: Black Ops oriented... People are stupid... First they think of sparkling gay vampires then this. The latter days people, we live in the end of days...
Hey sorry for all the bad grammar with all the un upper cased stuff... its late and I honestly don't care what it is called... And my laptop has trouble with its shift button and pressing something at the same time.